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Yoga and mindful living

Anchor 1


Ravit Aldar Guiding a workshop in North Israel
Detox Yoga Intensive
Workplace Yoga
Next workshop: January 26 2019, 2:00pm - 4:30pm (must pre-register) 

Purple Dragon Point Grey, 4347 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC.

click here to register​
We take over 23,000 breaths a day, so improving our breathing can have a big positive impact on both our body and mind. Unfortunately, most of us are shallow breathers. But we can learn to make each breath far more nourishing and really boost our wellbeing. Ancient traditions understood the power of breathing, and developed  special techniques to use it for healing and strengthening. In this workshop we will apply that ancient knowledge and modern scientifically - proven techniques to:​
  • Radically reduce stress 
  • Sleep better
  • Relieve back-pain
  • Fix poor breathing patterns
  • Improve digestion 
  • Energize the body
  • Connect with your inner self                                                         
Everybody is welcome. No previous experience is required. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing.


Detox Yoga Workshop
The next workshop: January 5th 2019, 2:00pm - 4:30pm (must pre-register)

Purple Dragon Point Grey, 4347 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver BC

click here to register​

This workshop meant to:

  • Reduce bloating, gas, and constipation.

  • Activate and purify the digestive system. 

  • Reduce fat around the waist and belly

  • Heighten the immune system

  • Break negative behaviour-patterns (like emotional eating)

  • Increase energy level and overall feeling of well-being

  • Reduce stress


The Detox Yoga Workshop focuses on physical postures, movement sequences, and breathing Exercises which activate and purify the digestive system and the whole body. We seal the practice with  guided meditation  to cleanse the mind. Detox smoothies will be prepared for all participants.

Yoga for workplace
This program is based on my past career experience in the business world, combined with my current lifestyle as a Yogini and  as a Yoga instructor. Desks and chairs can be used as props.We will practice:


  • Gentle postures and breathing exercises that release stress and  energize the body, mind and spirit.

  • Mindful meditation to create a peaceful atmosphere.

  • Setting intention toward a positive action.



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