Vegan Raw Hatha Yoga Mousse

One of the main principals in the Yoga practice is to create harmony from pairs of opposites (such as flexibility and strength, moon and sun) to invite balance and peace. This is called Hathe Yoga. I love to implement this idea of combining contrasts in my daily life too, especially when it comes to the kitchen. Here is a sweet dish that combine opposite colors and different flavours.
Hatha Yoga Mousse
You will need a silicone cupcake/muffin liner/cups for 8 dishes.
Ingredients for the dark layer:
1 cup raw peeled hazelnuts
3 tbls cacao powder
1/2 cup maple/agave/date honey
50 gr. soft-silk tofu
1 tbls coffee (liquid)
pinch of salt
Ingredients for the white layer:
1 cup raw soaked in water (at least 1 hour) cashew
1/2 green apple
3 tbls maple syrup
1/2 cup coconut liquid, at least 20% fat
1tsp vanilla
1 tsp lemon juice
Ingredients for the crust:
3/4 cup any kind of nuts - you can mix a few
3 rice- cakes
3 pitted dates
2 tbsp coconut oil
A bit of cinnamon
Oil the silicone liner/cup
Mix in blender hazelnuts for 3-5 min, until they get a smooth texture
Add the rest of the ingredients of the dark layer and keep blending until it looks creamy
Fill a third of each one of the 8 silicon cups
Freeze for half an hour
Mix in blender cashew for 2-4 min, until it receives smooth texture
Add the rest of the ingredients of the white layer, keep blending until it feels creamy.
Pour the mixture into each one of the 8 silicon cups, on the top of the dark (frozen) layers.
Freeze for half an hour
Mix in blender the crust Ingredients until its formed.
divide to 8 parts and flatten each one on the top of the white layer in each one of the 8 silicon cups
freeze in the freezer for at least 12 hours.
An hour before serving: remove liner/cups from the freezer. Turn liner upside down and press the bottom of each cup until the frozen mousse pushed out.
Serve with any kind of berry, pomegranate or shredded chocolate .